
Wednesday 19 January 2011


had such an inspiring seminar today from will. he talked about working in the textile industry. here are the main points he made and key things to think about;

- analyse trends.
- print, colour and concepts.
- what is my vision?
- what is the colour palette? soft, hard, up, down, dark, light?
- new york, london, paris (premier vision)
- take your work to pieces and analyse.
- inspiration and where to find it - simply design all the time.
- never repeat work. don't want things the same.
- become familiar with materials and form a relationship.
- learn what you want and do what you want with it.
- look into objects meaning. eg) spoons - who ate it, what did they eat.
- develop a design language.
- make a visual dictionary for you own visual language.
- be hard working, commited and interested.
- have passion and gusto.
- try and gain as much work experience as you can.
- display photocopies in see through wallets.

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